Thursday, March 5, 2015

I wish I could sport a man bun.


Hello friends. Contrary to popular belief, I did not fall of the face of the earth, I just was just experiencing an existential crisis of sorts.  It's that time of the year, I suppose.  Spring is sort of around the corner, but not quite here.  Everything is just sort of routine.  I'm not a huge fan of routine, I always have to be doing something different and on the go.  So, I took it upon myself to step out of my routine and try to reach out to some different people that I want to get to know better.  However, all my plans seemed to fall through.  I'm a chaser.  I always am looking for a new adventure to experience, but not many people ever seem to want to chase after me.  But that's not true. You just have to be patient.  I truly believe God has huge plans for me.  Yee.


My frin frand Maggie & our new Eskimo friendz
I decided that I'm going to start bringing my nikon everywhere.  I want to document everything & everyone.  Life is so cool, ya feel?  I'm gonna be the girl with the camera.  Yes. 

Rehearsing before our one act performance at the Guthrie
Cool kid hangz amirite

Oh, yes.  This photo was released the other day.  That's me, there, right behind Sean the lead singer of Smallpools.  *heavy breathing*

I've been listening to a lot of Childish Gambino and SNCKPCK recently which is a really odd combination of rap and sunny ukelele playing.  Completely different ends of the spectrum. But I like it that way.


  1. I love the tone of these photos so much... It's fun to be the girl with the camera, I've been one for a long time. But remember to take some photos of you too. Sometimes I had the feeling that I've never been anywhere.

    1. Ooh. I really like this. I never thought of it that way, but that makes complete sense. Such such good advice. Really.

  2. Ah your glasses are so perfect! xx
